
The Worldwide Insecticide resistance Network...

...proposes to bring together 19 internationally recognized institutions in vector research, providing a unique framework for tracking insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors of arboviruses around the world. The network aims at identifying the particular countries/regions where resistance could challenge vector control interventions and to provide the WHO and member states with key recommendations for improvement of insecticide resistance surveillance and deployment of alternative vector control tools.

The new WHO report of the multi-centre study on mosquitoes

Discriminating concentrations of insecticides for monitoring resistance in Culex quinquefasciatus and Culex tarsalis: report of a multi-centre laboratory study and WHO expert consultations

14 November 2023  | Technical document




Determining discriminating concentrations of insecticides for monitoring resistance in sand flies: report of a multi-centre laboratory study and WHO expert consultations



Determining discriminating concentrations of insecticides for monitoring resistance in mosquitoes: report of a multi-centre laboratory study and WHO expert consultations. World Health Organization.



Manual for monitoring insecticide resistance in mosquito vectors and selecting appropriate interventions    
