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Follow up of the 1st WIN conference

Watch, ReadDownload the WIN Rio 2016 conference's materials!



TDR , the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, is a global programme of scientific collaboration that helps facilitate, support and influence efforts to combat diseases of poverty. It is hosted at the World Health Organization (WHO), and is sponsored by the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), the World Bank and WHO.

TDR has initiated this first-ever international network to track insecticide resistance on vectors of arboviruses, in coordination with the World Health Organization's Neglected Tropical Diseases .


IRD-IRN (International Research Network). IRD provides substantial contribution to the WIN with the scope to develop a multiple and flexible partnership on vector resistance. DDRI-SUD


Finally a number of public and private partners have provided financial support to the WIN through the realization of expertise and consultancy and the organisation of scientific events (workshops, conferences).