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Follow up of the 1st WIN conference

Watch, ReadDownload the WIN Rio 2016 conference's materials!


e learning

The WIN network is publishing 2 free-access video tutorials on testing procedures for resistance monitoring in adult sandflies. These documents are expected to provide technicians, students, operators and academics with necessary knowledge and practical skills to conduct basic resistance tests in sandflies following standardized WHO methodologies and reporting system.

The scope is to strengthen the capacity of national control programs at risk of leishmaniasis disease to conduct appropriate monitoring and surveillance of insecticide resistance.

Contact persons:

Mr. Stephane Duchon,

Dr. Vincent Corbel,

Ms. katia Grucker,

2 Results

Video tutorial on “WHO filter paper test to assess insecticide susceptibility in sandflies”

The purpose of this video is to describe the “step by step” process to follow in the evaluation of insecticide susceptibility in sand-flies using the WHO diagnostic kit (or tube test).  The video includes also key information on how to record mortality/KD data and to proceed to decontamination ...

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Video tutorial on “WHO filter paper impregnation”

The purpose of this video is to provide detailed instructions on the impregnation of Whatman filter papers with insecticides for use in WHO tube test to determine insecticide resistance for flying insects such as sandflies and mosquitoes : The Standard Operating ...

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