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Institut Pasteur de la Guyane, French Guyana

Created in 1940, The Institut Pasteur de la Guyane is a private, non-profit foundation. As one of the 32 institutes in the Institut Pasteur International Network ( IPIN), its mission is to help prevent and treat diseases, mainly those of infectious origin, through research, teaching, and public health initiatives. The Medical Entomology Unit develops programs on mosquitoes, vectors of malaria, dengue and other arboviroses. The Unit has recently benefited from the STRonGer program (FP7-REGPOT-2011-1) for the construction of new facilities and the recruitment of personnel.

Dr. Isabelle Dusfour is researcher at the medical entomology unit since 2008. Her interests focus on vector control, insecticide resistance monitoring, molecular genetics of Ae. aegypti and Anopheles sp. She is currently leading or participating at several research projects on insecticide resistance of Aedes aegypti in collaborations with Fiocruz (Brazil), IHMT (Portugal), CNRS-LECA and IRD-MIVEGEC and Institutes in the IPIN (Institutes Pasteur in Caledonia, Madagascar and Central Africa). She is also part of screening of insecticide candidates. Dr Dusfour also conducts studies and expertise at local and regional scale (Surinam, Brazil, and Caribbean) and is involved in TDR network in the Caribbean to map, organize and exchange information on existing diagnostic facilities, surveillance systems and vector control with regard to dengue and chikungunya epidemics.