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Follow up of the 1st WIN conference

Watch, ReadDownload the WIN Rio 2016 conference's materials!


In the media

Press release related to WIN activities

To announce the launching of the network, published by IRD, CNRS, WHO-TDR and IOC-Fiocruz.

To announce the international workshop, published by the French Embassy in Brazil.

To highlight the success of the international workshop, published by WHO-TDR and IOC-Fiocruz.

About the future orientation of the network, published by IOC-Fiocruz.

The WIN network in french media!

Dr. Corbel and Dr. David were invitated by French Media to present the objectives and expected outcomes of the WIN network and provide their thoughts on the cause of the emergence of arboviruses worldwide.

French Newspaper
La Marseillaise - 2016/05/24 Le Figaro Santé - 2016/05/30 Midi Libre - 2016/05/30 Sciences au Sud #84 2017/03  (919.72 ko)
French Radio

Dr. David on Radio Totem, listen to him:

JP David interview Radio Totem - 2016/06/06
French TV

Le magazine de la Santé, July 14/2016: Zika, dengue... Do we have to fear mosquitoes ?

More videos on the WIN YouTube Channel.

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