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[Read] First commissionned review of the WIN was just published in PLoS NTD

21 July 2017

During its first of year of activity, one objective of the Worldwide Inescticide resistance Network was to develop 4 in depth-reviews in order to fill knowledge gaps on key topics related to insecticide resistance and vector control. Here find the first review published in PLoS NTD:

By Moyes et al. PLoS NTD (2017)

Contemporary status of insecticide resistance in the major Aedes vectors of arboviruses infecting humans

Authors: C.L. Moyes, J. Vontas, A.J. Martins, L.C. Ng, S.Y. Koou, I. Dusfour, K. Raghavendra, J. Pinto, V. Corbel, J-P. David, D. Weetman


Both Aedes aegytpi and Ae . albopictus are major vectors of 5 important arboviruses (namely chikungunya virus, dengue virus, Rift Valley fever virus, yellow fever virus, and Zika virus), making these mosquitoes an important factor in the worldwide burden of infectious disease. Vector control using insecticides coupled with larval source reduction is critical to control the transmission of these viruses to humans but is threatened by the emergence of insecticide resistance. Here, we review the available evidence for the geographical distribution of insecticide resistance in these 2 major vectors worldwide and map the data collated for the 4 main classes of neurotoxic insecticide (carbamates, organochlorines, organophosphates, and pyrethroids). Emerging resistance to all 4 of these insecticide classes has been detected in the Americas, Africa, and Asia. Target-site mutations and increased insecticide detoxification have both been linked to resistance in Ae . aegypti and Ae . albopictus but more work is required to further elucidate metabolic mechanisms and develop robust diagnostic assays. Geographical distributions are provided for the mechanisms that have been shown to be important to date. Estimating insecticide resistance in unsampled locations is hampered by a lack of standardisation in the diagnostic tools used and by a lack of data in a number of regions for both resistance phenotypes and genotypes. The need for increased sampling using standard methods is critical to tackle the issue of emerging insecticide resistance threatening human health. Specifically, diagnostic doses and well-characterised susceptible strains are needed for the full range of insecticides used to control Ae . aegypti and Ae . albopictus to standardise measurement of the resistant phenotype, and calibrated diagnostic assays are needed for the major mechanisms of resistance.

Full article available here.